
Honorary Members

Congratulations to Graeme Reid , Peter Hill, Cathie Johnston,  Jim Muir and Margaret Brown who have all been awarded honorary membership of the Club for long service and dedication to the aims of  the Opry over many years. Thank you to you all for the many  contributions you have made to the. development and progress of the. Club during your many years of membership.


Club members are reminded that memberships should be renewed before the end of April 2025, or they will be required to re-join by completing another application form.

Due to recent events the Opry Committee have had to make some changes as follows:
Mr David MacIndoe is no longer Vice President.
Mrs Deborah MacIndoe is no longer Club Secretary.
Mr Brian Robson will take on the role of Acting Vice President until the next AGM in June of 2025.
Mr James Rae will take on the role of Acting Secretary until the next AGM in June of 2025.
The committee have co-opted Carol McNab and Mrs Katie Currie to full committee positions and welcome them both on board.
Thank you
The Committee
Committee Members and Office Bearers

The 2024/2025 session of committee is as follows:-
Office Bearers
President : Mary Hill
Vice President : Sammy Gorrell
Vice President (Acting) : Brian Robson
Treasurer : Fran Kimmet
Secretary (Acting) : James Rae
Frank Currie
Chrystine Daoucacis
George Whitton
Vicky Melvin
Linda Pemberton
Phillip Givens
Carol McNab
Katie Currie
Margaret Brown
Lynne Gorrell

Many thanks and a big round of applause to the emergency support team of volunteers who stepped up to keep the club open for several months after the mass resignation of the previous committee. Well done to all.

Membership Fees
It was decided at the latest AGM that the annual membership fee, which has been unchanged for several years, should be increased to £10 from April 2024.

 Admission Charges
 Admission charges for members to club nights remain unchanged at £4 for a single evening, with a £6 concession for entry on both Friday and Saturday, to be paid on the Friday. Admission charge for non-members will be increased to £7 from 1st October 2023.

*Please note the Opry does not currently have card payment facilities. All transactions must be made in cash only.* The nearest ATM is situated at Tesco opposite the Opry.•

Opry App
The Opry now has an app which can be downloaded from the app store for Iphones or playstore for Android devices.

Affiliated Clubs
The Opry Gun Club, and The Re-enactment Club have now re- opened. Check out our What’s On page for details.

Please note we have a new Facebook page, Glasgows Grand Ole Opry Members and Friends. Keep up to date on the latest Opry happenings and debates by contributing a post to the page. Why not join the Opry Club itself and enjoy reduced admission charges on Fridays and Saturdays? It’s great value and a brilliant night out with live music and very competitive bar prices.

Website & Table Bookings
There have been numerous visits to the website since it began and this, hopefully, translates into more visitors to the Club itself. If you are looking for a night out with a difference and one that won’t break the bank, come along and soak up the friendly atmosphere and make new friends. Great venue for lively Hen and Stag nights, birthdays and any other occasion you want to celebrate. Tables can be reserved for larger parties of 8+ by phoning or texting on 07566 762320 or alternatively join us / message us on our Facebook page and someone will get back to you. The full admission price of £7 per person. (£4  for Opry members), payable at the time of booking will secure the reservation. Tables must be claimed by 8.30pm on the night otherwise they may be given away to other visitors particularly on very busy evenings.

Country Music Needs More Support
With bands folding all too often these days it is increasingly urgent for country music fans to support the clubs and bands still in existence. The Opry offers members free admission on a Saturday evening for the payment of just two extra pounds on a Friday evening. You can’t get better than that – two nights of live entertainment for just £6!  If you know of any members who haven’t been at the club for a while, why not encourage them to come along again to enjoy the music, dancing and keenly-priced drinks from the bar! Since the start of 2017 the club has been well attended on Saturdays, and Fridays have also picked up which is encouraging in these strained economic times. Visiting parties (birthdays, hen and stag nights, etc) have helped to swell the figures but we also need the members to support the club as much as possible. Spread the news among your friends and neighbours that the Opry offers a great night out. The number of visiting parties demonstrates that it is seen as a fun venue and is somewhere a bit different to celebrate an event.

 News Items
If anyone wishes to submit an article or news item for inclusion on this page, please e-mail it to or hand it in at the club for the attention of Val McNish or Fionna Downie.

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